High Impact - Year 1

Learning to code 

This week, the whole of year one enjoyed a few hours learning how to code with High Impact. Children used IPADS, moveable robots and board games in order to learn what coding is and how to begin coding technology. We had fun trying out all of the different coding apps on the IPADS and being able to control a robot, using technology. One of the apps involved the children manipulating shapes into different positions to form an image. The IPAD had a special attachement on the top which could see what the children were doing and how they were moving their shapes. Another piece of equipment was called a code-pillar where children would add different attachements to the code-pillar, which would enable it to turn in different directions. The children also thoroughly enjoyed playing a coding board game, where they had to choose the correct card in order to move their turtle to collect their coloured jewel. We look forward to continuing this learning throughout the year and learning more about IPADS and coding. Thank you to High Impact for this fantastic afternoon session and we hope the children all really enjoyed this activity! 



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