Year 2 2023 - 2024

To view the Key Stage One SATS presentation please see the attached PowerPoint presentation at the bottom of this page.          

 Year Two Transition Meeting for Parents - July 2023

We are looking forward to welcoming all of the children from year 1 into year 2. If you would like to see the information from the transition meeting please click here. 

If you would like to see a recording please click here.

Welcome to Year 2!


 Classes for September 2023:

Class name Teacher Teaching assistant
2A Mrs Molloy & Mrs Malloy Mrs Eaton
2B Mrs Rycroft Mrs Hewson and Mrs Bennett
2C Miss Cumming Mrs Jackson
2D Mrs Cameron-Ivanov   Mrs Wood

Mrs Horton is the Assistant Head for year 2 and will teach and support throughout the unit.

Our Weekly Timetable

Day Event PE 
Monday Reading books to be taken home and returned daily  
Tuesday Reading books to be taken home and returned daily  

Reading books to be taken home and returned daily.

Homework completed on Seesaw

2B and 2D - Come to school wearing PE kit
Thursday Reading books to be taken home and returned daily  

Reading books to be taken home and returned daily

Forest school- 1 session per half term

Homework set on Seesaw

2A and 2C - Come to school wearing PE kit


Remember to log into SeeSaw for your home learning every week and to see wonderful examples of your child’s work. We continue to upload lots of our exciting learning onto Seesaw for your children to share with you at home. 

If you have any questions, please contact the school office and we will get back to you.


Here are some useful websites. 


RESPECT and Behaviour

During this half term the children will be learning about the word RESILIENCE and what this means to them. They will be thinking about how they can show resilience in different situations. Each week the teachers will nominate one child that they have noticed being resilient. These children will be known as our ‘Learning Heroes’. They will receive a special certificate in assembly and will have their picture displayed on the wall.


This half term, our literacy will be focused on traditional tales. We will be reading a range of texts, including twists on traditional tales, such as Into the Forest by Anthony Browne and Little Red by Bethan Woollvin. 

In addition to our Read Write Inc. texts and shared reading texts, children will also have access to a weath of books for home reading. We encourage you to read at home 4 times per week. Children can swap their books daily, or if reading a longer book, or tricky book, we suggest keeping that book over a few nights in order to complete the book, or build up fluency.

Throughout the year, children will progress from Read Write Inc. onto Accelerated Reader. Here they will be able to access a wide range of amazing non-fiction and fiction texts located in our Accelerated Reader library, as well as have access to a wealth of books relating to our curriculm areas.


Within maths this term we will be looking at place value, using a range of manipulatives and pictorial representations to support our learning. Within each lesson we continue to practice our counting and keeping up our fluency with our mastering number sessions and number sense. During the week, the children will have access to NumBots in order to continue building their fluency. This app can also be accessed at home. Please speak to your child's class teacher if you require a log in. 


This half term, we are looking at changing shape. We will investigate a variety of different materials and how these different materials are able to change using different techniques.


In Autumn, we will be exploring the history of transport, with a focus on trains and cars. We will be working towards exploring our key enquiry question: How has transport changed the way we live? We will investigate how we can learn about the past, exploring a range of visual, physical and written sources that allow us to learn about how things have changed. From this, we will investigate how trains and cars have become more effective and answer questions about the past through enquiry and interviews.


During Autumn term, children will be learning about the 4 countries of the United Kingdom and the 4 seas that surround it. We will use a range of globes, atlases and maps to develop our locational knowledge, as well as where they are in relation to eachother. We will discover facts about each country as well as build on our prior knowledge of their physical and human geography.


This term we will be taking inspiration from the artwork of Orla Kiely, looking at how she draws her ideas based on natural things, such as leaves and fruit, as well as the types of colours and repeating patterns she uses regulary.


During DT this term we are looking at wheels and axles. Children are looking at a range of objects that use wheels and axles, and will be choosing to make an item using appropariate skills and techniques that we will be practising in class. 


This term in PSHE, the children will be taking part in lessons about e-safety, personal development, relationships and sex education (RSE) and personal finance. In e-safety, the children will focus keeping safe online and who they can go to if they see something that makes them feel uncomfortable. We will continue to have exciting visitors in for our career assemblies, which have been a big success over the last year. 


During this half term, children will be exploring information technology and how we use it in lots of things in our everyday lives. We will learn how information technology can improve our lives, as well as how to use it responsibly and safely.

Files to Download

Year 2: Blog items

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Year 2: Our Gallery items

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Year 2: St George's Calendar items

There are no St George's Calendar items to display

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