Chester Zoo

Chester Zoo 

Year 1 visited Chester Zoo this week. We had a fantastic time and found the whole experience very exciting. First, we got on a big coach, which was very comfortable to sit on. It took us around half an hour to get to the zoo but we did not mind as we spent time looking out of the window and spotting different sights. When we arrived at the zoo, we got a special sticker so that we could go in. In the morning, we all saw lots of different animals including: red pandas, lions, giraffes, owls, penguins, flamingoes, butterflies etc. We found that some animals were asleep and were not out in their inclosures but others were outside, enjoying the fresh air. We particularly enjoyed seeing the lions as the male lion came very close to the fence and even started to stratch his claws on the tree which made us laugh. After seeing lots of animals in the morning, we made our way to the Islands for our dinner. We chatted to our friends and enjoyed having a bit of a rest after lots of walking. We enjoyed having dinner but were even more excited to see different animals. All of a sudden, it started to rain really badly so we all had to walk quite fast to get under shelter. Some classes took cover in the bat cave and others went to see the painted dogs and the rhinos. After, we walked through the rain with our hoods up and made our way back to the coaches. Some of us fell asleep on the coach as we were all exhausted from all of the walking that we did. We found we had walked nearly 5 miles! All teachers were so impressed with how sensible and postive the children were throughout the day. Well done Year 1! Here are some pictures of the animals we saw: 



Here is a picture of us before we left the zoo (we were a little wet). 


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