Y5/6 Watercolour Workshop - Our Masterpieces!

On Tuesday, the final workshop for watercolours was held for Year 5 & 6 children and their adults. 

Once again, we were provided with delectable hot chocolate and, this time, festive gingerbread men! Thanks again to our fabulous catering team  

During the session last week, we learned about and practised many different watercolour skills & techniques. This week, we used this prior knowledge to create a fantastic final piece. The choice was between a landscape effort, or an abstract wonder!  

Adults & children were given a watercolour paint palette, an array of different brushes, cartridge paper, masking tape, oil pastels and salt in order to be successful during the session.

First, our pairs scanned QR codes around the room to delve into the world of famous artists using watercolour as their medium. We used these images as inspiration to draw upon when creating our final piece. We also had real life landscapes in our packs that we could use as a basis for our initial sketch. 

Our final pieces turned out incredible! Adults/children were so proud of their efforts. They left the session with an art goody bag to keep practising the skills at home.

Thanks again to our adults and pupils for attending, and for their continued support. We will be running more art workshops in the new year - keep an eye out for details of these sessions in due course! 


Miss M Jones & Mrs Dures. 

Nurturing our community to thrive through opportunities, innovation and love

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