Year Two Science Week

Science Week - Year Two


The children have absolutely loved celebrating British Science Week this week. They have taken part in lots of exciting activities to celebrate this, linking to the theme of growth. 

On Monday, we began our exciting week with special visitors. The first being a virtual visit from Chester Zoo who gave us lots of interesting information and facts about nocturnal animals. The children loved seeing the artefacts they showed on screen, including feathers, animal fur, animal skulls etc. The children received lots of opportunities to ask questions to further their understanding. On Seesaw, you will find some additional activities from Chester Zoo which your child may enjoy completing if they wish. During this day, we also had a visitor from a parent who is a sports science teacher in a local high school, and a visit from an engineer/designer of transport vehicles including F1 cars. Both adults really helped the children to understand the variety of STEM careers that are available and possible jobs for the future. They loved asking them different questions about their job roles.

On Tuesday, we continued our exciting science week. We recapped our understanding of the term life cycle from the Autumn term. To support us with this, some of us took part in a live lesson whereby we were able to see both a calf and a lamb being born. The children saw the process from it being in the mum's tummy, to it being born and then identifying what would happen next. We enjoyed finding out about the life cycles of different animals and comparing their stages.

On Thursday, we had an exciting trip to top site to visit the science lab and complete some science related outdoor learning. It was our very first visit to the science lab so the children were very excited. We talked through the important rules when in the lab, in order to keep us safe. We then partook in a live minibeast lesson whereby we learnt about different minibeasts and their microhabitats, with a particular focus on earthworms. We then walked to the allotment on top site to complete some outdoor learning. Here, we were trying to find earthworms, digging them up carefully in the soil. Then we used an identification sheet, a hand lense and ruler, to try to identify which type of earthworm it was.

The children have had a fantastic week and have thoroughly enjoyed participating in British Science Week. We have set an optional home learning science task on Seesaw for the children this weekend, if they would like to take a look.

Well done Year Two! 

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